Prioritizing You above all

Your annual visit is time well spent...

At True Potential Healthcare, we believe in an approach that not only tends to your health but also respects your time and resources.

When you visit us for lab tests, we start your day with a nourishing breakfast and a comprehensive discussion about your health aspirations. Together, we chart a course to achieve your wellness goals. Following this, Dr. Slendebroek dedicates an average of eight hours to craft a detailed annual health report. This document isn’t just a summary of your current health status; it’s a strategic plan for your healthcare in the year ahead.

Our commitment to such in-depth care stems from our belief in the value of a strong doctor-patient relationship. As this bond strengthens, the efficiency and efficacy of your healthcare management improve exponentially.

Many inquire if we offer executive physicals, and the answer is a resounding yes. True Potential Healthcare’s program is tailored for individuals who prioritize both their health and their time. While traditional executive physicals might offer a quick overview, our approach is fundamentally different. We invest in one-on-one interactions, gaining a nuanced understanding of your health, ensuring we’re fully prepared for any medical issues that may surface.

The data from our annual exams is as comprehensive as any you’ll find, but it’s our utilization of this data that sets us apart. We integrate it into your medical records, refine your care plan, and use it as a cornerstone for all future interactions, from regular check-ups to any emergent situations.

Effective healthcare is not just about the physicals; it’s about having a dedicated physician who knows you well. At True Potential Healthcare, you’re guaranteed both.